Pinterest released self-service Promoted Pins

Pinterest released self-service Promoted Pins

 released Self-Service advertising dashboard, you can check it out at

Pinterest will basically sell promoted pins as well as advanced analytics (more insights)

It’s a great step that has been awaited and expected by a lot of brands

You can join the waitlist from, moreover; if you don’t already have a business account, you can use this link to create a new Pinterest business or convert your regular account to business Continue reading “Pinterest released self-service Promoted Pins”

Middle East Online Statistics 2014 by ASMR

middle east online statistics

On 18th of May 2014, Arab Social Media Report released their 2nd edition of White Paper report on The Middle East Online Statistics, covering almost every aspect of online activity in the region, including Social Media.

This white paper is produced by the Governance and Innovation Program at the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government in partnership with It continues to examine Internet and mobile usage trends in the Arab region. The purpose of this series is to provide policy makers, business leaders and development organizations with updated information on the usage trends in an ever-changing ‘digital landscape’ in the
Arab World.


I’ve highlighted only a few numbers that I had found interesting

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Social Media can help you find a job – Infographic

Can Social Media help you find a job - Infographic

In this article I will not focus on “how social media can help you in your job search” or  “tips on how to improve your job search on social media”, there have been so many articles about that already, what we will focus on is the employer side, do they really use social media for screening their candidate? if so then how can Social Media help you find a job?

Continue reading “Social Media can help you find a job – Infographic”

What are Google Magazine ad unite


What are Google Magazine ad unites and how do they look like

In short; Magazine style ads are “text ads” that renders as a “display-like” ad formats.

Magazine style ads are reported as text ads in the Ad types report. When a text ad wins an auction for an image-only ad unit, Google renders the ad in the magazine style format. this will help the publisher make more revenue as adding text advertisers to the auction will increase CPCs and publisher revenues on display ads.

Magazine style ads are only applied to ad units that are opted in to “display ads only”, and not to ad units opted in to “text and display ads”.

Continue reading “What are Google Magazine ad unite”