5 tools to measure and manage your hashtags

tools to measure and manage hashtags

A great post was made by @kevanlee  about hashtags and social media, weather we should use hashtags or not. researches showed that in most social networks posts with hashtags get’s higher engagement rates than normal posts. bottom line:

Yes, you should use hashtags

Although, randomly using hashtags could and will harm your business content, with that being said;  management hashtag tools to find and manage relevant hashtags to your content/subject became essential.

The question actually went from should we use hashtags or not to which hashtag should we use and how relevant these hashtags to our content,in addition to that, are these hashtags overused? will our content actually show in searches for these hashtags or will it be buried deep down?

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how to get your blog post noticed and shared 1000 times more – Infographic

Increase blog post shares

One-sheeter / Infographic will show you how to get your blog post noticed and shared 1000 times more than it usually get, increase engagement and reach with 12 easy to implement steps using almost free tool

1- Create a compiling titles.

2- Make Sharing Icons available on mobile and desktop.

3- Implement social media optimization (Facebook Open-graph, Twitter cards meta tags etc.).

Continue reading “how to get your blog post noticed and shared 1000 times more – Infographic”