Facebook Page Likes Count Decreased?

Facebook likes

Did you notice a decrease in your Facebook page likes total count?

Its probably because of Facebook’s new Like count update. Facebook will remove any inactive users from your page in effort of making page likes more meaningful. Claiming that this will help business have clear data of their followers gives businesses up-to-date insights on the people who actively follow their Page. Continue reading “Facebook Page Likes Count Decreased?”

How to use Facebook Power Editor with Twitter Cards

This article is meant to show how to use Twitter cards that are already have “Call-to-Action” buttons  to work and show nicely on Facebook with “Call-to-Action” buttons as well.  (ex: “Learn More” button)

The Call-to-action buttons can only be created via Facebook’s Power Editor for Pages which is listed inside the Ads Manager, you don’t really have to be an advertiser to use it though.

Before we go any further, if you’re asking yourself  what is the benefit of using Call-To-Action buttons? CtAs always return better results, and more engagement, if that isn’t enough for you then you can ignore then article

Continue reading “How to use Facebook Power Editor with Twitter Cards”

The Difference Between Twitter and Facebook Content

The last few years have been some of the most socially interactive in human history thanks to innovative technologies that have laid the ground work for social media to explode throughout the Internet, on our phones, tablets, laptops, and even our glasses.

Social media is everywhere. By now, we’re all very familiar about what Twitter is. Kids are probably growing up thinking a tweet is a 140 character text, not a sound birds make. Babies swipe through magazines instead of turn pages. We consume media in a very different way.

So you’d think we all generally understand why we make both a Twitter account and a Facebook account, or a YouTube account and a Vimeo account, instead of just one. Continue reading “The Difference Between Twitter and Facebook Content”