Twitter’s Quality Filtering for iOS & Report to Police

Twitter is becoming proactive recently when it comes to “reporting abuse”, it’s clear they are putting effort fighting spam or offensive/abusive language. Though, until last month that effort seemed not enough that Twitter’s CEO, Dick Costolo said in an internal memo obtained by The Verge

We suck at dealing with abuse and trolls on the platform and we’ve sucked at it for years. It’s no secret and the rest of the world talks about it every day.

Though, in efforts of improving users’ experience on Twitter, last year the company introduced Mute Users On Twitter. Then in December 2014 a blog post introduced improvement in block and an improved way to flag abusive Tweets, which was released only for a limited group of users.

Report to Police

On 17th of march, twitter starting to roll out a change that makes it easier for you to report threats that you feel may warrant attention from law enforcement.

report to pilice on twitter

The new feature isn’t exactly a report to police. Instead, the option appears after a user files a report to Twitter about a threatening tweet. Twitter then will receive a timestamped email that includes a package with all the information about the abusive tweet and the account making the threat, a timestamp of the threat and the report itself, as well as the victim’s own account information. The email also contains a link to Twitter’s Law Enforcement Guidelines.

report to pilice email

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Handling Issues Online

Over the years Twitter have been working with a number of safety resources to keep their users safe across the world. Unfortunately, we in the middle east does not have any safety partner yet. list of Safety Partners can be found in this link


Twitter’s Quality Filtering for Verified Users on iOS

A new featured was rolled out yesterday to Verified users on iOS according to TechCrunch. The feature aims to block offensive and abusive tweets and notifications before the user sees them, the feature was spotted by Anil Dash.

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Twitter is started to take offensive and abusive tweets seriously, in less than a year more than 4 new features dedicated to make twitter a safer place for users.

iOS users always get the features first 🙂

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