Drive traffic to Website with Twitter Website Cards

Drive traffic with twitter website cards

In my previous article All About Twitter Cards, I’ve made full introduction to what are Twitter Cards. In this article we will focus only on the type of articles that should be useful to your websites & business as well. The 1st Twitter card we think is most useful for websites is the Twitter Website Card


We’ve mentioned previously that  Tweets with images have x5 times engagement rate on twitter, but what if we’re not looking for tweet engagement  and looking basically for clicks, website traffic, or have a CPC campaign? then Twitter Website Cards is the best solution. Basically Website cards is a combination of a clickable image, description, title that all tied to a URL, all that can drive traffic to your website when clicked.

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All About Twitter Cards

All About Twitter Cards


Twitter Cards is the ability to add rich media to your tweets, videos, photos, products information website logos and even description about your pages/websites. Twitter cards will help you drive traffic to your website. In this article we will walk you through the benefits of each and everyone of them and how to add them to your website.


Before we start, you should know that there are TWO sets of types for cards, one that are free and will need to be configured from your website with HTML markups and META Tags, and the others are cards that can only be created from Twitter’s Advertising Dashboard which requires you to be an advertiser. If you’re looking to advertise on Twitter in The Middle East, you can contact Connect Ads

Without any further ado, lets have a look on the cards that can be created from the dashboard

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Pinterest released self-service Promoted Pins

Pinterest released self-service Promoted Pins

 released Self-Service advertising dashboard, you can check it out at

Pinterest will basically sell promoted pins as well as advanced analytics (more insights)

It’s a great step that has been awaited and expected by a lot of brands

You can join the waitlist from, moreover; if you don’t already have a business account, you can use this link to create a new Pinterest business or convert your regular account to business Continue reading “Pinterest released self-service Promoted Pins”

Social Media can help you find a job – Infographic

Can Social Media help you find a job - Infographic

In this article I will not focus on “how social media can help you in your job search” or  “tips on how to improve your job search on social media”, there have been so many articles about that already, what we will focus on is the employer side, do they really use social media for screening their candidate? if so then how can Social Media help you find a job?

Continue reading “Social Media can help you find a job – Infographic”

5 tools to measure and manage your hashtags

tools to measure and manage hashtags

A great post was made by @kevanlee  about hashtags and social media, weather we should use hashtags or not. researches showed that in most social networks posts with hashtags get’s higher engagement rates than normal posts. bottom line:

Yes, you should use hashtags

Although, randomly using hashtags could and will harm your business content, with that being said;  management hashtag tools to find and manage relevant hashtags to your content/subject became essential.

The question actually went from should we use hashtags or not to which hashtag should we use and how relevant these hashtags to our content,in addition to that, are these hashtags overused? will our content actually show in searches for these hashtags or will it be buried deep down?

Continue reading “5 tools to measure and manage your hashtags”